Tiny Bubbles

Tiny Bubbles: Hawaii Beer Reads for 10/24/13


My picks of beer news from around the web that you need to read and my two cents on the topics.  Most of the time it’s Hawaii beer news topics, but every once in a while you’ll find other general beer related topics.

Honolulu Civil Beat – We all know living in Hawaii is expensive and that includes the price of our precious craft beer (well Foodland has cheaper prices than the mainland sometimes). This interesting and thought provoking article from Civil Beat dives into the issue of beer prices in Hawaii by examining Kona Brewing Company.  http://bit.ly/16wdrOv

Star Advertiser – A quick intro to hops and local IPAs. http://bit.ly/17fKiWu

Examiner – Perfectly timed to coincide with my IPA article in the Star Advertiser. Charlie Papazian examines the IPA craze in the United States and what all the hop is about. http://exm.nr/1hdhNfF

Maui Brewing Company Instagram – A quick video update from Garrett Marrero on the progress of Maui Brewing Company’s new Kehei brewery. Looks like the foundation is getting closer to being poured. http://bit.ly/1gJGQcE

Time Out Chicago – Goose Island is owned by AB InBev and also distributed by them in Hawaii. Unfortunately we don’t get any of their reserve or specialty beers like Sophie, Matilda or Bourbon County Stout. A recent specialty release has a unique Hawaii backstory and a Hawaiian name, Halia. Wish we could get our hands on this Belgian Farmhouse Ale brewed with peaches, Brett and aged in sauvignon blanc and chardonnay barrels. http://bit.ly/1aalJwm



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